Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Americas Science Funding deterioration over the Years!?

In America, something unusual is in progress for almost the past two decades, that is the severe haircut carried out on scientific funding, haircut after haircut into Science funding since Bush's time, or it might even go back further into previous Nixon era. It is ugly, time and again, Presidents after President made policies and regulations that did not allocate or spent enough money for science, furthermore they took the money away from science, well, did not fund enough in the first place by cutting major funds for science, cutting Billions of dollars that supposed to be spent for Scientific Research. Bush was the worst 'NO Science" guy, who betrayed science, and now Trump, he goes even further down the road to disregard Science and research, Trump's policies towards science almost looks like there is a Anti-Science guy in the WH!?...much worse than GW Bush's that is unimaginable, who for sure screwed up science funding big time.
Five years ago, PBS posted this question?, remember five years ago, as of today, the question becomes more relevant and reality!

Will funding cuts kill scientific discovery in the US?

Science Funding Cut Guy- Simple and comic way to tell even kids about Americas Science funding?

The Future of Science, Scientific Research and Education is in Peril, as the funding for Science been cut by govt after govt in the past couple of decades or more...!What better way to explain today's kids and grown up about funding cut than using a simple and comic ways like this one!!
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Children will have to settle for 'Ted Rye the Science Funding Cut Guy' after Trump's 2020 budget proposal aims to slash $1 billion from the National Science Foundation.

Americas Science Funding deterioration over the Years!?

In America, something unusual is in progress for almost the past two decades, that is the severe haircut carried out on scientific funding, ...